Actor Saif Ali Khan is known for being charming and fun on-screen and off-screen. While the actor is not on social media, he is a regular fixture on the Instagram posts of his loved ones. For instance, actress Soha Ali Khan, who is Saif's sister, has shared a video in which Saif is seen being his usual stylish and goofy self at a photo shoot. In the video, he is seen posing and smiling with Soha while cracking a joke or two. The Pataudi siblings are dressed in their traditional best for the shoot. Sharing the video, Soha wrote, “It's a family thing.” It looks like the video that Soha shared was recorded a while ago, as Saif is currently on a family holiday in Africa with wife Kareena Kapoor and kids Taimur and Jeh.
See the fun clip here:
Speaking of Saif Ali Khan's family holiday, Kareena Kapoor even shared a picture in which she is seen chilling at her holiday home which appears to be located amidst a wildlife sanctuary. Guess who is keeping her company? Some zebras. Sharing the image, she wrote: “What you doing? Nothing…just hanging with my new friends,” referring to the animals around her.
On Instagram Stories, Kareena Kapoor even shared a selfie that features a rhino in the background. She wrote along with the photo, “The expression says it all,” referring to her amazed look.
Saif Ali Khan and Soha Ali Khan are children of Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi, the former Indian cricket team captain, and veteran actress Sharmila Tagore. Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan have been married since 2012 and are parents to two sons. Kareena and Saif have co-starred in films like Tashan, Omkara, Kurbaan and Agent Vinod, to name a few. Additionally, Saif Ali Khan has two children from his previous marriage to actress Amrita Singh, a son named Ibrahim Ali Khan and a daughter named Sara Ali Khan.
Soha Ali Khan is married to actor Kunal Kemmu and the couple has a daughter named Inaaya Naumi Kemmu. Saif and Soha have a third sibling named Saba Pataudi.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Kareena Kapoor will be next seen in Sujoy Ghosh's The Devotion Of Suspect X and The Crew. Saif Ali Khan, on the other hand, will be seen in Om Raut's Adipurush.
from NDTV News- Special
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